Miami, Florida, United States 14 November - 10 December 2023 
Miami, Florida, United States 100 NW 36TH ST Tickets available online 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM thehouseofarts.com
Symmetry Unveiled: The House Of Arts Invites you to immerse yourself in the world of Hal Trager, an artist whose meticulous hand-drawn creations on velum push the bondaries of symmetry and organization to new heights. Hal Trager's artistry unfolds in a mesmerizing dance between symmetry and illusion. Upon first glance, each piece appears to be an impeccable display of order and balance. Perfectly aligned forms, meticulously drawn, evoke a sense of mathematical precision. However as you delve deeper into Trager's work you quickly discover that this is no ordinary symmetry.