Zizi Pedrossa


Zizi Pedrossa conducts research in various artistic mediums, such as video art, installations, printmaking, paintings, and drawings. In her quest for meaning, when constructing drawings, movements emerge, whose outcomes may or may not coincide with the forms found in the real world. Her research traverses diverse materials, occasionally utilizing natural pigments like anthill soil acquired during trips to Minas Gerais. In installations, she may also incorporate elements directly taken from the natural world, such as leaves, seeds, sprouts, and fruits. Through her engagement with a more natural approach, Zizi aligns herself with advocating for and protecting indigenous peoples, nature, and Brazilian forests. The artist is affiliated with the Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA).


Since 2021, Zizi Pedrossa has been a member of Coletivo21, a group of visual artists formed through the course led by artist and professor Sérgio Fingermann. In 2022, she participated in an online study group on Artistic Issues, coordinated and moderated by art critic Oscar D’Ambrósio. She is part of the Contemporarte Educational Project, organized by curator and artist Waldo Bravo, in collaboration with the Falando de Arte (Speaking of Art) RJ e SP Group, moderated by curator Jô Vigorito.

  • Zizi Pedrossa, Another Beer, 2022
    Another Beer, 2022$ 520.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Another Beer, 2022
    $ 520.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Your Eyes, 2022
    Your Eyes, 2022$ 390.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Your Eyes, 2022
    $ 390.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Double Sugar Bow, 2021
    Double Sugar Bow, 2021$ 700.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Double Sugar Bow, 2021
    $ 700.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Physalis, 2021
    Physalis, 2021$ 700.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Physalis, 2021
    $ 700.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Bull, 2019
    Bull, 2019$ 500.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Bull, 2019
    $ 500.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Violet, 2019
    Violet, 2019$ 400.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Violet, 2019
    $ 400.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, My Face, 2018
    My Face, 2018$ 300.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, My Face, 2018
    $ 300.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, My Sky, 2018
    My Sky, 2018$ 300.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, My Sky, 2018
    $ 300.00
  • Zizi Pedrossa, Velocipede, 2018
    Velocipede, 2018$ 300.00
    Zizi Pedrossa, Velocipede, 2018
    $ 300.00

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