Sandy Lee Searcy


“Sandy Searcy is a contemporary illustrator, abstract, digital artist, and photographer. Her works integrate photography and digital painting to produce lively compositions that convey her worldview. Closely examining Searcy's artworks reveals that her art is inspired by two of the most famous 20th Century movements - abstract expressionism and pop art. Like Jason Pollock's abstract expressionism artworks, Searcy's digital paintings feature colorful and highly expressive line work, combining bold and thin lines to convey the artist's imagination. Pop art influence is also visible in featuring human subjects. In these, the artist posterizes her subjects to facilitate the addition of colorful overlays. The result is highly elaborate compositions that convey the subjects being animated.”
— Anne K. Anthony

  • Sandy Lee Searcy, American Dream, 2022
    American Dream, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, American Dream, 2022
    $ 3,300.00
  • Sandy Lee Searcy, Be Ready, 2022
    Be Ready, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, Be Ready, 2022
    $ 3,300.00
  • Sandy Lee Searcy, Dizziehungry Locked, 2022
    Dizziehungry Locked, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, Dizziehungry Locked, 2022
    $ 3,300.00
  • Sandy Lee Searcy, Ducky, 2022
    Ducky, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, Ducky, 2022
    $ 3,300.00
  • Sandy Lee Searcy, Jam the Phones, 2022
    Jam the Phones, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, Jam the Phones, 2022
    $ 3,300.00
  • Sandy Lee Searcy, The Barn, 2022
    The Barn, 2022$ 3,300.00
    Sandy Lee Searcy, The Barn, 2022
    $ 3,300.00

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