• Gersony Silva, Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018
    Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018$ 3,400.00
    Gersony Silva, Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018
    $ 3,400.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red I, 2016
    On the sand the red I, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red I, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red II, 2016
    On the sand the red II, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red II, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red III, 2016
    On the sand the red III, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red III, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red IV, 2016
    On the sand the red IV, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red IV, 2016
    $ 3,000.00