
Gersony begun her studies in art, when she attended a Communication Design Course at Colégio Carlos de Campos, and immediately identified herself with universe of paintings. Graduated from Visual Arts at Belas Artes University São Paulo, Pedagogy at PUC University, SãoPaulo, and Psychology at São Marcos University, Gersony is also specialized in Art History at MASP, Museum of São Paulo, and Art Education at ECA USP, University of São Paulo, Art Therapy at Sedes Sapientiae and Art Rehabilitation at AACD, Associação de Assistência à criança Deficiente.


Gersony has an extensive academic specialization curriculum, as well as vast experience in Art Education in ateliers, schools, and Art Museums. She has over 25 years of experience as an art, Contemporary Art, and Art History teacher for both children and adults.

As an Art therapist, Gersony researched and published a scientific article on the importance of art in the rehabilitation of special children at AACD.

  • Gersony Silva, Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018
    Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018$ 3,400.00
    Gersony Silva, Pigmento, Suor e Nada Mais, 2018
    $ 3,400.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red I, 2016
    On the sand the red I, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red I, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red II, 2016
    On the sand the red II, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red II, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red III, 2016
    On the sand the red III, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red III, 2016
    $ 3,000.00
  • Gersony Silva, On the sand the red IV, 2016
    On the sand the red IV, 2016$ 3,000.00
    Gersony Silva, On the sand the red IV, 2016
    $ 3,000.00

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