
Born in Beirut in 1939, Solly Kamkhagi began showing an interest in painting at the age of 10. At 13, he joined the Academy of Drawing and Classical Art in Beirut. In 1965, he moved to Milan, immersing himself in the artistic environment of Brera. In 1975, he studied painting and drawing under Juarez Magno and Valter Levy at the Documents Gallery.


In the mid-'80s, Kamkhagi attended the Free Sculpture Workshop with sculptors Calabroni and Beccheroni, showcasing sculptures at the 47th São Paulo Fine Arts Salon in 1984. He earned a Bronze Medal at the Second São Paulo Plastic Arts Salon. In 1986, he participated in the Club Sírio Collective and the Brazil-Israel Expo at Anhembi, São Paulo.

He continued to exhibit, winning a Gold Medal at the 1987 2nd International Exhibition of the United Nations. Throughout the early '80s to '90s, Kamkhagi studied sculpture with Calabroni and Beccheroni, participating in various exhibitions at Arte Aplicada.


In the late '90s, he broke away from his academic style, and in 2019, anticipating the pandemic, he exhibited "Fuck The Crack," challenging conventions by taking art to the streets. Kamkhagi's trajectory reflects a continuous search for new artistic expressions, blending classical drawing with a strong, expressive line.


His work delves into the dialogue between different cultures and the cultural survival embedded in the Sephardic Jewish history. At 85, Kamkhagi's art speaks of a journey seeking balance between sensuality and beauty, Eros and Thanatos, life and death—a play of light and shadows.

  • Solly Kamkhagi, Seafarad
    Seafarad$ 10,000.00
    Solly Kamkhagi, Seafarad
    $ 10,000.00
  • Solly Kamkhagi, Tela 82
    Tela 82$ 10,000.00
    Solly Kamkhagi, Tela 82
    $ 10,000.00
  • Solly Kamkhagi, Untitled
    Untitled$ 10,000.00
    Solly Kamkhagi, Untitled
    $ 10,000.00
  • Solly Kamkhagi, Untitled
    Untitled$ 10,000.00
    Solly Kamkhagi, Untitled
    $ 10,000.00

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