Bruna Snaiderman


Bruna Snaiderman (Brazil, 1984) lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Product Design from PUC-Rio, she worked as a jewelry designer for 18 years, an area where she discovered her profound interest in poetic and analytical aspects of shapes, geometry, and colors.


In recent years, Bruna has been expanding her artistic research and creative work into the visual arts, exploring new proportions, materials, and concepts. Her artistic research fits (but is not limited to) within the field of OP-art and kinetic art.


Under strong sculptural and architectural influence, the artist has been exploring playfulness through mathematical precision. Bruna's work encourages the viewer to move, each at their own time and pace, discovering forms, lines, contours, and volumes.


  • Bruna Snaiderman, Duo Vibration 1 , 2023
    Duo Vibration 1 , 2023$ 5,700.00
    Bruna Snaiderman, Duo Vibration 1 , 2023
    $ 5,700.00
  • Bruna Snaiderman, Duo Vibration 2, 2023
    Duo Vibration 2, 2023$ 5,700.00
    Bruna Snaiderman, Duo Vibration 2, 2023
    $ 5,700.00

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