Luca Ewbank


Gian Luca Ewbank Baldacconi experiments with new supports and formats for his language. Hiswork embraces the richness of the encounter between media, techniques, and ideas, openingpaths for "new trends and possibilites". His references come from Pop Art, Op Art, Street Art,and also with research on the concepts of the Expressionist and Dadaist movement. The sum of materials and concept makes the artist's work stand out among contemporary works. The diverse profile of each material and the encounter between word and image two norths of Ewbank's poetry.


Initially, one can notice this affection and persistence in the use and fasnication with differentmedias. Aside from the pieces on canvas, such a thought of juxtaposition and mix of diverseelements expands to the space in Ewbank's three-dimensional works. It is easy to realize that theartist creates pieces, with the correlation with writing in mind. He is explicitly enchanted by themix between message and appeal, transparency and presence, beyond the seductive anddecodable scope that is located and travels with ease.His speech has more connections with persistence and an uninterrupted fascination with thealchemy of doing, mixing material creation and filled with concreteness, flanked by robustconcepts to be fixed in the midst of such shallow and volatile times


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